Everything You Should Know About Angus Beef

Angus beef is certainly a term that gets thrown around a lot. You may have heard about it when you were perusing through the menu of your favorite burger place or maybe you saw it while you were checking out the array of meats at the grocery store. Regardless, most people have been exposed to the term Angus beef and have heard it at least once before. Yet, what is Angus beef? While many have heard of it, far less actually can explain the difference between Angus beef and regular beef. What sets the two types apart? Is Angus beef healthier? Does it come from different cattle? All that you should know about Angus beef is here in this article. Once you get through this, you will have the information you need to decide if Angus beef will make it into your cart on your next grocery shopping trip.

What Does Angus Beef Mean?

Angus beef

 Let’s first get a simple understanding of what Angus beef is before we delve into more details about it. Angus beef refers to the type of cattle that the beef comes from. Angus beef comes from a breed of cattle known as the (yeah you guessed it) Angus cattle! The Angus cattle are a breed of cattle that hail from Scotland. They were bred by Hugh Watson in the 1800’s and eventually made their way to America around the late 1800’s. The Angus beef cattle became widely successful around this time for the fact that they were much easier to breed than regular cattle. The Angus cattle have a shorter gestation period than regular cattle and they also have a much lower rate of birth complications. This is by far the simplest way to explain what Angus beef means or what it references. Now that we have squared that away, the next question is probably, what makes the beef different from regular beef? Is the taste the same?

The answer to that next question is probably what made Angus beef incredibly popular around the time that the cattle were being bred in the 1800’s. Since Angus cattle naturally have a build that is muscular, they also tend to possess more intramuscular fat. The fat found between their muscle fibers essentially marbles the meat, making it more tender, juicier, and flavorful in comparison to regular beef. For that reason, restaurants and brands really take pride in announcing that their beef is Angus. By that simple label, most people can naturally understand that the meat will have a tender, juicier, and fattier taste that may be more desirable than regular beef. This is essentially the most stark and well-recognized difference between Angus beef and regular beef.

What is Certified Angus Beef?

In addition to regularly seeing Angus beef being marketed in restaurants and grocery stores, you may have also seen the label “Certified Angus Beef”.” It is quite common for some types of Angus beef to have labels that identify it as certified. Yet, what exactly does that mean? Well, the United States actually has an association known as the American Angus Association. This organization was created solely for the purpose of educating people on Angus cattle and Angus beef. They are invested in spreading a good word about Angus beef and can be greatly responsible for the positive image that Angus beef is often associated with. In the 1970s, the American Angus Association created their own brand known as Certified Angus Beef. Cattle under this brand are often subjected to comprehensive standards and grading like genetic tests and breeding checks and registries. These exist as a way to ensure that only the best of the best cattle reproduce to create top quality Angus beef. All Certified Angus beef is then graded by the USDA to ensure that they are compliant with standards that would put them in the top grade. In other words, Certified Angus Beef is another checkmark that further reassures the consumer that they can expect nothing but the most quality Angus beef out there.

Quick FAQ About Angus Beef

Is Angus beef superior to other types of beef?

Angus beef food items

Well, that is certainly a matter of opinion. It really depends on the person’s preference. Angus beef has a higher fat content than regular beef therefore making it fattier naturally. If you prefer a fattier, juicier, and more tender meat then you may prefer Angus beef over regular beef. If you are a person who doesn’t like the texture or taste of excess fat, then Angus beef might not be as much of a smoother experience than regular beef. Yet, the difference is really one that you have to see for yourself, so don’t knock it till you try it. Most report that Angus beef tastes better than regular beef but let yourself be the judge of that.

Angus Beef vs. Regular Beef: Which One is Healthier?

I would argue that one common misconception about Angus beef is that people tend to think that it stands for a type of meat that is organic or natural in some way. Although labels like “Certified Angus Beef” would make it appear as if it is a healthier option, the truth is that Angus Beef would not be considered a healthier alternative to regular beef. If you are looking for healthier alternatives to regular beef, then I would have to say that Angus beef is not the right choice. Since Angus beef has a higher fat content, it can certainly be the case that Angus beef may be just a tad bit unhealthier, but not by much. So, in other words, there really is no extra benefit that Angus beef provides over regular beef in terms of health. Both are on similar playing fields in that regard. In that way, I would focus more on taste and texture when making your decision about Angus beef vs. regular beef.

Where can I buy or consume Angus Beef patties?

 Angus beef patties are really common in many grocery stores and restaurants. If you are someone who wants to have some angus beef patties ready at home then I would say some popular grocery stores that regularly sell Angus beef patties would be Sam’s Club, Costco, Target, Walmart, Vons, and even Amazon Fresh! If you are looking to try Angus beef at a restaurant and are not too keen about purchasing them for home use yet, then there are many great places that sell burgers made of Angus beef patties. Try out some places like Black Angus Steakhouse, Sizzler, Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill, Lucille’s Smokehouse BBQ, Cheesecake Factory, etc. Those are just chain restaurants that are common around the US. With a further search into your specific location, you will surely find a few restaurants that sell delicious Angus burgers that you can try!

Where can I find Certified Angus Beef?

 Since Certified Angus Beef is a bit more specialized, it can be a bit more difficult to find than regular Angus beef that is not certified. With that being said, the search is not entirely difficult either. Some common places that often regularly sell Certified Angus Beef can be found in grocery stores that typically sell specific regional foods. This would include your local Mexican grocery market or Asian grocery markets like Tokyo Central Market and H-Mart. Your local butcher may even sell some! If worse comes to worse and you find it quite difficult to locate a physical store, you can always go to the Certified Angus Beef website. The website offers online orders where you can place a delivery on various Certified Angus Beef. In other words, Angus beef is readily available in many retail channels all over the country. It isn’t hard to get your hands on them and try it out for yourself!

About the author: American BBQ Company Editor