How Should Raw Ground Beef Be Stored at Home?

When it comes to storing raw meats, the question around how to store and where to store can sometimes be challenging, depending on what type of meat it is. Typically, most people tend to just throw all of their raw meats in the freezer and call it a day, which can certainly work. At the same time, there are a few tips that you should also keep in mind when purchasing and storing your raw ground beef that can help it stay as fresh as possible for as long as possible until you plan to use it!

How Should Raw Ground Beef Be Stored at Home

Purchasing Raw Ground Beef from the Store

One way to ensure that you get the most out of your ground beef and don’t let it spoil too quickly is to think about not only how to store the raw ground beef at home, but to also think about how to store the ground beef when you are buying it from the store. When purchasing ground beef, keep in mind that it can spoil at room temperature pretty quickly. That is why, it is suggested that you wait to first purchase your raw ground beef towards the end of your shopping trip (so that it isn’t exposed to room temperature for too long). Additionally, if you are someone that has to run other errands after grocery shopping or live a bit far from the store, then it is highly suggested that you bring a cooler or thermal bag with you. That way you can store the raw ground beef in there and can ensure that the spoiling process doesn’t happen too quickly before you even have the chance to get home.

Storing Raw Ground Beef at Home

Once you get home, you typically have two options for how you can store your ground beef. You can either choose to store it in the freezer or in the refrigerator. It is recommended that if you plan to use your ground beef that night or within 1-2 days, then you should keep it in the refrigerator. Typically, as long as your raw ground beef stays in a temperature environment that is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or colder, then your ground beef should be okay. When it comes to refrigerator temperatures, they are obviously still warmer than freezer temperatures. For that reason, a refrigerator is only suggested if you are going to use your raw ground beef pretty soon. Raw ground beef should not stay in the refrigerator for longer than two days, since this can cause the meat to go bad after a while. If you are purchasing your raw ground beef in advance, but don’t plan to use it within the next two days, then you should definitely skip the refrigerator process and put it straight in the freezer. Raw ground beef can stay in the freezer for up to 4 months without going bad. So long as you follow these simple storage rules, then you can ensure that you keep your meat at its prime for as long as possible before cooking it!

About the author: American BBQ Company Editor